No catch, No messing around
I’m delighted to say that both ‘Tim’ books are now available in paperback. It’s been a long time coming but I think you’ll find the wait has been worth it….at least, I hope so. John’s illustrations were great and I hope the uploads have gone well.
Other news is John and I have been asked to contribute to a planned anthology of childrens’ stories. I’m hard at work on a new Tim adventure at the moment, along with editing two others for Solstice and having a couple of ideas bubbling around. Oh well, life is not boring!
Anyway, you can find
Terrific Tales of Trembling Tim the Two-Toned Tiger here in the UK. and here on
The Legend of Tim Turpin can be found here in the UK and here on
Reading books or other stories are the part of human life the writers use their creativity and mind and develop the amazing creative stories for the readers to read. That is very interesting and delighted to hear about the “Tim” book thanks for sharing that interesting news.